Blinding: chi ha gli occhi coperti? L’ambiguità terminologica di singolo, doppio e triplo cieco
Blinding: chi ha gli occhi coperti? L’ambiguità terminologica di singolo, doppio e triplo cieco
Antonino CartabellottaGIMBEnews 2009;2:2-3
Pubblicato: 20 febbraio 2009
Copyright: © 2009 Cartabellotta. Questo è un articolo open-access, distribuito con licenza Creative Commons Attribution, che ne consente l’utilizzo, la distribuzione e la riproduzione su qualsiasi supporto esclusivamente per fini non commerciali, a condizione di riportare sempre autore e citazione originale.
Letture introduttive
Forder PM, Gebski VJ, Keech AC. Allocation concealment and blinding: when ignorance is bliss. Med J Aust 2005;182:87-9.
Schulz KF, Grimes DA. Blinding in randomised trials: hiding who got what. Lancet 2002;359:696-700.
Schulz KF, Chalmers I, Altman DG. The landscape and lexicon of blinding in randomized trials. Ann Intern Med 2002;136:254-9.
Devereaux PJ, Bhandari M, Montori VM, Manns BJ, Ghali WA, Guyatt GH. Double blind, you are the weakest link--good-bye! Evidence-Based Medicine 2002;7:4-5.
Devereaux PJ, Manns BJ, Ghali WA, et al. Physician interpretations and textbook definitions of blinding terminology in randomized controlled trials. JAMA 2001;285:2000-3.
Day SJ, Altman DG. Statistics notes: blinding in clinical trials and other studies. BMJ 2000;321:504.
Sackett DL. Commentary: Measuring the success of blinding in RCTs: don't, must, can't or needn't? Int J Epidemiol 2007;36:664-5.
Hróbjartsson A, Forfang E, Haahr MT, Als-Nielsen B, Brorson S. Blinded trials taken to the test: an analysis of randomized clinical trials that report tests for the success of blinding. Int J Epidemiol 2007;36:654-63.
Boutron I, Estellat C, Guittet L, et al. Methods of blinding in reports of randomized controlled trials assessing pharmacologic treatments: a systematic review. PLoS Med 2006;3:e425.
Haahr MT, Hróbjartsson A. Who is blinded in randomized clinical trials? A study of 200 trials and a survey of authors. Clin Trials 2006;3:360-5.
Fergusson D, Glass KC, Waring D, et al. Turning a blind eye: the success of blinding reported in a random sample of randomised, placebo controlled trials. BMJ 2004;328:432.
Forder PM, Gebski VJ, Keech AC. Allocation concealment and blinding: when ignorance is bliss. Med J Aust 2005;182:87-9.
Schulz KF, Grimes DA. Blinding in randomised trials: hiding who got what. Lancet 2002;359:696-700.
Schulz KF, Chalmers I, Altman DG. The landscape and lexicon of blinding in randomized trials. Ann Intern Med 2002;136:254-9.
Devereaux PJ, Bhandari M, Montori VM, Manns BJ, Ghali WA, Guyatt GH. Double blind, you are the weakest link--good-bye! Evidence-Based Medicine 2002;7:4-5.
Devereaux PJ, Manns BJ, Ghali WA, et al. Physician interpretations and textbook definitions of blinding terminology in randomized controlled trials. JAMA 2001;285:2000-3.
Day SJ, Altman DG. Statistics notes: blinding in clinical trials and other studies. BMJ 2000;321:504.
Sackett DL. Commentary: Measuring the success of blinding in RCTs: don't, must, can't or needn't? Int J Epidemiol 2007;36:664-5.
Hróbjartsson A, Forfang E, Haahr MT, Als-Nielsen B, Brorson S. Blinded trials taken to the test: an analysis of randomized clinical trials that report tests for the success of blinding. Int J Epidemiol 2007;36:654-63.
Boutron I, Estellat C, Guittet L, et al. Methods of blinding in reports of randomized controlled trials assessing pharmacologic treatments: a systematic review. PLoS Med 2006;3:e425.
Haahr MT, Hróbjartsson A. Who is blinded in randomized clinical trials? A study of 200 trials and a survey of authors. Clin Trials 2006;3:360-5.
Fergusson D, Glass KC, Waring D, et al. Turning a blind eye: the success of blinding reported in a random sample of randomised, placebo controlled trials. BMJ 2004;328:432.