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Dalle aree grigie alle evidenze scientifiche: pianificare la ricerca su rilevanti prioritĂ trascurate
Roberta Da Rin Della Mora, Annamaria Bagnasco, Loredana SassoEvidence 2013;5(5): e1000045 doi: 10.4470/E1000045
Ricevuto: 1 febbraio 2013 Accettato: 30 marzo 2013 Pubblicato: 29 maggio 2013
Copyright: © 2013 Da Rin. Questo è un articolo open-access, distribuito con licenza Creative Commons Attribution, che ne consente l’utilizzo, la distribuzione e la riproduzione su qualsiasi supporto esclusivamente per fini non commerciali, a condizione di riportare sempre autore e citazione originale.
1. Lowrey GH. The problem of hospital accidents to children. Pediatrics 1963;32:1064-8.
2. JCAHO - Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Examining Inpatient Pediatric Falls - Understanding the reasons and finding the solutions. Jt Comm Perspect 2005;5:5-6.
3. McClure R, Nixon J, Spinks AJ. Community-based programmes to prevent falls in children: a systematic review. J Paediatr Child Health 2005;4:465-70.
4. Razmus I, Wilson D, Smith R, Newman E. Falls in hospitalized children. Pediatr Nurs 2006;32:568-72.
5. Cooper CL, Nolt JD. Development of an evidence-based pediatric fall prevention program. J Nurs Care Qual 2007;2:107-12.
6. Monson SA, Henry E, Lambert DK, Schmutz N, Christensen RD. In-hospital falls of newborn infants: data from a multihospital health care system. Pediatrics 2008;122:e277-80.
7. CHCA - Child Health Corporation of America Nursing Falls Study Task Force. Pediatric falls: state of the science. Pediatr Nurs 2009;35: 227-31.
8. Hill-Rodriguez D, Messmer PR, Williams PD, Zeller RA, Williams AR, Wood M et al. The Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale: a case-control study. J Spec Pediatr Nurs 2009;14:22-32.
9. Tung TH, Liu MC, Yang JY, Syu WY, Wu HP. Useful methods in preventing accidental falls from the bed in children at the emergency department. Eur J Pediatr 2009;168:1323-6.
10. Harvey K, Kramlich D, Chapman J, Parker J, Blades E. Exploring and evaluating five paediatric falls assessment instruments and injury risk indicators: an ambispective study in a tertiary care setting. J Nurs Manag 2010;18:531-41.
11. Helsley L, McDonald JV, Stewart VT. Addressing in-hospital “falls” of newborn infants. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2010;36:327-33.
12. Kingston F, Bryant T, Speer K. Pediatric falls benchmarking collaborative. J Nurs Adm 2010;40:287-92.
13. Razmus I, Davis D. The epidemiology of falls in hospitalized children. Pediatr Nurs 2012;38:31-5.
14. Bagnasco A, Sperlinga ML, Urbano AM, Esibiti F, Da Rin Della Mora R, Calza S et al. Accidents in hospitalised children: a retrospective study in a paediatric research hospital in northern Italy. Hellenic Journal of Nursing Science 2011;4:14-9.
15. Da Rin Della Mora R, Calza S, Urbano AM, Esibiti F, Sperlinga ML, Bagnasco A et al. Falls in children in a children’s hospital: a prospective study. Nurs Child Young People 2012;24:22-26.
16. Da Rin Della Mora R, Bagnasco A, Sasso L. Le cadute pediatriche in ospedale: una indagine italiana. Prof Inferm 2013; 66:48-54.
17. World Health Organisation (WHO). Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability. WHO, Ginevra. Ultimo accesso 29 maggio 2013.
18. Da Rin Della Mora R, Bagnasco A, Sasso L. In-hospital paediatric accidents: an integrative review of the literature. Int Nurs Rev 2012;59:466-73.
2. JCAHO - Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Examining Inpatient Pediatric Falls - Understanding the reasons and finding the solutions. Jt Comm Perspect 2005;5:5-6.
3. McClure R, Nixon J, Spinks AJ. Community-based programmes to prevent falls in children: a systematic review. J Paediatr Child Health 2005;4:465-70.
4. Razmus I, Wilson D, Smith R, Newman E. Falls in hospitalized children. Pediatr Nurs 2006;32:568-72.
5. Cooper CL, Nolt JD. Development of an evidence-based pediatric fall prevention program. J Nurs Care Qual 2007;2:107-12.
6. Monson SA, Henry E, Lambert DK, Schmutz N, Christensen RD. In-hospital falls of newborn infants: data from a multihospital health care system. Pediatrics 2008;122:e277-80.
7. CHCA - Child Health Corporation of America Nursing Falls Study Task Force. Pediatric falls: state of the science. Pediatr Nurs 2009;35: 227-31.
8. Hill-Rodriguez D, Messmer PR, Williams PD, Zeller RA, Williams AR, Wood M et al. The Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale: a case-control study. J Spec Pediatr Nurs 2009;14:22-32.
9. Tung TH, Liu MC, Yang JY, Syu WY, Wu HP. Useful methods in preventing accidental falls from the bed in children at the emergency department. Eur J Pediatr 2009;168:1323-6.
10. Harvey K, Kramlich D, Chapman J, Parker J, Blades E. Exploring and evaluating five paediatric falls assessment instruments and injury risk indicators: an ambispective study in a tertiary care setting. J Nurs Manag 2010;18:531-41.
11. Helsley L, McDonald JV, Stewart VT. Addressing in-hospital “falls” of newborn infants. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2010;36:327-33.
12. Kingston F, Bryant T, Speer K. Pediatric falls benchmarking collaborative. J Nurs Adm 2010;40:287-92.
13. Razmus I, Davis D. The epidemiology of falls in hospitalized children. Pediatr Nurs 2012;38:31-5.
14. Bagnasco A, Sperlinga ML, Urbano AM, Esibiti F, Da Rin Della Mora R, Calza S et al. Accidents in hospitalised children: a retrospective study in a paediatric research hospital in northern Italy. Hellenic Journal of Nursing Science 2011;4:14-9.
15. Da Rin Della Mora R, Calza S, Urbano AM, Esibiti F, Sperlinga ML, Bagnasco A et al. Falls in children in a children’s hospital: a prospective study. Nurs Child Young People 2012;24:22-26.
16. Da Rin Della Mora R, Bagnasco A, Sasso L. Le cadute pediatriche in ospedale: una indagine italiana. Prof Inferm 2013; 66:48-54.
17. World Health Organisation (WHO). Violence and Injury Prevention and Disability. WHO, Ginevra. Ultimo accesso 29 maggio 2013.
18. Da Rin Della Mora R, Bagnasco A, Sasso L. In-hospital paediatric accidents: an integrative review of the literature. Int Nurs Rev 2012;59:466-73.